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Market Briefing: Expanding Your GWO Portfolio to Build a Stronger Training Business
Andrea scassola
By Andrea Scassola
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May 11, 2023

Market Briefing: Expanding Your GWO Portfolio to Build a Stronger Training Business

Expanding Your GWO Training Portfolio Will Help You Deliver More Training and Enhance Your Customers’ Value - Market Briefing 2023

Report summary

'One stop shop’ is a term that training providers will hear more and more in the years to come.

GWO members and employers increasingly rely on training providers to access enough basic and advanced modules, as it is expected that 568,800 wind technicians will need industry standard training to build and maintain the global wind turbine fleet by 2026. Expanding your GWO training portfolio can offer several commercial benefits, such as training more people and growing faster than your peers who offer only basic or specialist modules. Training centers play a key role in removing barriers to hiring and bridging the skills gap. The Wind Technician Entry Level Framework, published by GWO in October 2022 and endorsed by leading industry employers, provides recommended training pathways as a career entry route into job profiles within three functional areas: pre-assembly, installation, and service.

Training centers certified in both basic and advanced modules teach more modules to more people, delivering roughly four times more training records and people trained, compared to their basic and specialist counterparts combined. Certification in a wide range of GWO training modules alone does not fully explain a training centre’s performance, but a broader product portfolio does play a key role in enhancing the value proposition and driving demand for training.

Find out more about expanding your portfolio to meet the needs of employers in wind

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