GWO is commissioning a report to assess and forecast workforce needs in offshore wind
GWO is seeking an individual or organisation to conduct a qualitative analysis and draft a report on workforce training needs for offshore wind.
The report will review GWO training data within established offshore wind markets in Northern Europe, specifically how many workers received offshore-site-specific (GWO Sea Survival) training in those regions over a specified time period. This will be compared against data relating to offshore wind activity(existing & pipeline) in those markets.
Combining this data analysis with qualitative interviews, the report will forecast workforce needs in relation to the current pipeline of offshore wind in emerging markets like North America, Taiwan, and China.
The report will pose an answer to the following question:
How much training is required on a per MW basis to work on site, building North America’s/Taiwan/China’s pipeline of offshore wind and how can we address any workforce supply chain bottlenecks?