Two key trends emerged in 2024: US and Asian markets are playing a key role in the growth of the GWO training network and there is an overall increase in valid records per course participant globally.
The GWO training network continued to expand its impact across all markets in 2024, with the United States and Asian Markets driving this growth.
According to data available now on the GWO website, 2024 saw a total of 531,871 training records uploaded to WINDA, an increase of 17.2% from the 453,959 uploaded in 2023. Last year, 122,008 people received GWO training, an increase of 11.5% from the 109,461 people trained in 2023.
Historically, the United Kingdom was the largest market for GWO training, but it is now comparable with the US, where expansion has been greatest.
In 2024, the UK registered 77,070 training record uploads, followed by the US with 75,694, Germany at 44,116 and Spain with 40,038. Compared with 2023, the US saw a 37% increase in uploads, meanwhile Germany saw a 21% rise, the UK a 6.7% boost, and Spain a modest growth of 1.2%. This data reflects the overall increase in valid records per course participant, which reached an average of 4.33 by the end of 2024. North America led with an average of 6 modules per participant.
While the US led in year-on-year record uploads from 2023 to 2024, Germany saw the greatest rise in people trained, with a 25.7% increase. India followed closely at 19%, surpassing Spain's position from the previous year. The US ranked third with an 18.67% growth, followed by the UK at 9% and Spain at 4.2%.
A full analysis of GWO training data will be published in our Annual Report on 20th March.