The GWO Criteria for Training Providers and Certification Bodies provide the framework and governance system around which more than 350 training providers can operate.
GWO’s criteria documents – which describe how training providers and certification bodies use our framework - are being revised and relaunched next year.
The documents will be updated and published in April 2020. Our goal is to improve quality assurance of a rapidly expanding global training provider network, while improving how we all understand and implement the criteria.
“GWO has seen almost 200 new training providers certified around the world since 2016,” explains Jakob Lau Holst. CEO of Global Wind Organisation. “This exponential growth supports our members’ mission to create an injury free working environment in wind. However, it creates challenges of maintaining quality and governance. With this criteria review, we are bringing a number of improvements to the table which will have a material effect on the quality stamp dictated by GWO’s criteria. We will also make them much easier to understand and implement,”
Core elements of the project are a focus on improving the criteria by revising content and structure by:
• Refining paragraphs and sections to ensure clear guidance and clarity
• Ensuring definitions, guidelines, process etc. are up to date and globally aligned
• Introducing an incident reporting guideline
• Introducing a WINDA auditor profile
• Identifying instances where European specific norms and terminology are quoted, replacing them with globally aligned norms
• Integrating the general information/requirement sections from the GWO standards into the TP/CB criteria