Our story

Global Wind Organisation is a non-profit industry association founded and owned by its members who are drawn from globally leading renewable energy manufacturers, owners and operators. 

Our members strive for an injury free work environment, setting common international standards for safety training and workforce development.

The organisation's headquarters and corporate registration are in Denmark. The Company Registration and VAT number is DK35570608


GWO published the first version of the Basic Safety Training (BST) standard in 2012 in response to the demand for a recognisable standard in the wind turbine industry. This was followed by the Basic Technical Training (BTT) Standard in 2014.

GWO has since launched a range of other training standards which address the most common safety and technical training needs of renewable energy's largest employers.

We seek to deliver results that contribute to the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including  Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education, target 4.4. As contribution to SDG 4.4, GWO seeks on behalf of its membership to substantially increase the number of technicians, who have GWO standardised training as a key enabler of its mission to create an injury free working environment.  

What are GWO training standards?

GWO training standards describe the requirements for training courses that are recommended by members of GWO. By complying with GWO standards and requirements, certified training providers are considered competent and proficient.

Any training participant with a current training record in GWO's WINDA database is considered competent and knowledgeable according to the learning objectives of that standard. GWO members accept the training record as confirmation the participant has achieved the learning objectives as described in the standard.

Who runs GWO?

GWO is governed by an organisational structure overseen by the General Assembly composed of members from which the Board of Directors is elected.

The Board of Directors, oversees all operational aspects of GWO's work carried out by the GWO Secretariat and ensures coordination between the committees. To find out more about the people behind GWO, visit our committee pages.